Bring on the Oaties

Do you have any favorite child memories dealing with food? One of mine is having oatmeal with my grandpa. Grandma was a spectacular cook and was a big influence on me liking to spend so much time in the kitchen, but this story is about Grandpa’s Oaties. That was a real treat, not only because of the food but because of the time with Grandpa. He would cook it up and then ask us each individually if we wanted raisins, honey, butter, and milk. I always wanted it all, mostly because of the way he added it. One of those things kids love where he would put in one raisin and then start asking if that was enough. It was quite a game and impressed upon me that even ordinary activities like eating oatmeal can be turned into a cherished memory.

Today I still eat oatmeal. It has so many health benefits including being a good source of fiber and protein which helps keep me full all morning long. There are several options like quick oats and steel cut. I prefer the old fashioned oats and try to soak them for an hour before cooking to aid digestion. If you opt for the instant watch the ingredient list for added sugars, real or fake, and artificial flavorings.

While raisins are still a favorite the possibilities of add ins are endless. Try adding chopped apple or pear during cooking or mash in a banana. Ground flax adds even more fiber and protein while cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar levels. I enjoy a spoonful of all natural peanut butter, but you could also try walnuts.

Give it a try and make your own memory with oatmeal.


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